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December 27, 2023

Your CRM is where relationships go to die


In today's fast-paced business world, customer relationship management (CRM) systems are the backbone of many companies. They're seen as the ultimate solution for organizing contacts, tracking sales, and managing customer data. But here's a hard truth: for many businesses, their CRM is where relationships go to die. At Sortd, we believe there's a better way. Enter Sortd Re-Engage, our innovative solution that breathes life into your existing relationships.

The Pitfalls of Traditional CRMs

Traditional CRMs are fantastic repositories of information, acting as a centralized database for all your customer interactions. However, this is precisely where their utility often ends. CRMs are excellent at managing data, but they falter when it comes to actively nurturing and growing business relationships. They don't tell you when to follow up, what to say, or how to keep your company top of mind with your clients. In essence, CRMs are great at organizing your contacts, but they don't actively help you manage the relationships behind these contacts.

Why Relationships Matter

In any business, relationships are the cornerstone of success. Whether it's with clients, suppliers, or colleagues, strong, ongoing relationships can lead to repeat business, referrals, and a robust professional network. Unfortunately, in the rush to chase new leads and close immediate sales, many of these potentially lucrative relationships are neglected, forgotten in the depths of a CRM system.

Sortd Re-Engage: A Game-Changer in Relationship Nurturing

Sortd Re-Engage is our answer to the limitations of traditional CRMs. Our AI-driven platform is designed to not only manage your data but to actively assist in nurturing and maximizing the value of your existing relationships. With Sortd Re-Engage, you can:

  • Identify Neglected Contacts: Our system analyzes your database to spotlight individuals who haven't been recently engaged.
  • Personalized Engagement Strategies: We offer tailored suggestions on who to reach out to, when to do it, and what to say, based on your past interactions and the specific nuances of each relationship.
  • Automated, Yet Personalized Follow-ups: Our platform prepares a contact cadence based on the value and history of interactions, ensuring regular, meaningful touchpoints.
  • Instant Alerts for Relationship Maintenance: Get notified about potential relationship risks, ensuring you can act promptly to address any issues.

Integrating Sortd Re-Engage with Your Existing CRM

Sortd Re-Engage isn't about replacing your CRM; it's about enhancing it. Our platform seamlessly integrates with popular CRM tools, including Gmail, Outlook, Hubspot, and Salesforce, among others. This integration ensures that you can continue to use your existing systems while adding a powerful layer of relationship intelligence and proactive engagement capabilities.

Conclusion: Revitalize Your Business Relationships

The bottom line is that while CRMs are excellent tools for data management, they often fall short in actively managing and nurturing business relationships. Sortd Re-Engage fills this gap, transforming every past connection into a present opportunity and ensuring that your company remains top of mind with your clients. It's time to move beyond mere data management to truly master the art of relationship cultivation. With Sortd Re-Engage, watch your business relationships flourish into lasting, profitable partnerships.

Written by
Rodney Kuhn